What matters now

There are so many things to accomplish and so little time. The interests of our lives tend to peak and valley like the seasons. So I try to do what matters most today at that moment. Sometimes I miss the mark let’s face it I can be self absorbed. However that’s ok because sometimes I get the chance to make it right (God willing).

Sunday, November 25, 2012

ASHTANGA YOGA MOTHER EARTH: 9 Mind-Blowing Facts About Yoga

ASHTANGA YOGA MOTHER EARTH: 9 Mind-Blowing Facts About Yoga: Mind-blowing revelations about yoga come to me often from my own experience and probably because of having been at it for a while.  They ar...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Be kind to one another

An artist paints with one careful stroke at a time. With each color and each layer a painting takes shape. When you act out of loving kindness you are not only the artist you are the canvas, the brush, the color,the subject. You have become part of the picture. 

The scene, humanity and nature, intertwined in a greater consciousness. A oneness shared by the genuine interconnected heart. Each beat vital to the flow of life. Life not measured in time nor judged by critics.  Be still and feel  that connection, the electricity of everyone and everything you come into contact with. You are the masterpiece.

Don't spend time peeling away others facade only to find your own ignorance because you lack compassion and understanding. Simply allow your mask to drop. Stretch yourself beyond your limited boundaries, take each other by the hand and let your inner child lead you to a better way. A way of understanding, of loving each person as they are, simple, delicate, worthy of love. You will find we share the same joys and sorrows as we walk our daily path hand in hand striving to be one in peace, at rest.

You never know when your act of kindness will inspire someone into action that inspires someone else into acting kindly. Any act of kindness no matter how big or small is worth your time. 

Be kind to one another.